Spring/Summer Picks: Crape Myrtles, A Southern Staple

Crape Myrtles at Elmgren's Garden Center

Muskogee Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtles at Elmgren's Garden Center

Dynamite Crape Myrtle

Spring is here and you can bet that Summer is right on its heels. As the warmer months arrive, it is important to carefully consider what is the best tree to plant. The Crape Myrtle is it. It is a hearty choice for all seasons and in particular, thrives in hot humid conditions, comes in a wide variety of colors, and is relatively pest and disease resistant. They are virtually maintenance free and do very well in the full sun.

Crape Myrtles at Elmgren's Garden Center

Muskogee Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtles are known for their large, long-lasting blooms, clusters of flowers with dark green foliage and smooth, beige bark. From June through September, vivid colors such as Muskogee (lavender), Natchez (white) and Tuscarora (magenta) are what you see while most other plantings have exhausted their flowers and are wishing for relief from the heat.

Crape Myrtles at Elmgren's Garden Center

Nanchez Crape Myrtle

They typically are fast growing trees. Some varieties have been known to sprout as much as five feet in one year. When planted in a happy place, Crape Myrtles can reach a maximum of up to 30 feet tall and 20 feet wide.

Crape Myrtles transition into the Fall with just as much grace and flair as they do the Spring. Its lush green leaves morph into a fiery, orange-red.

Elmgren’s Garden Center currently has Muskogee, Natchez and Tuscarora Crape Myrtles in stock in a variety of sizes. Visit the Garden Center located at the corner of Highway 144 and Cherokee Street in Richmond Hill to browse and purchase from a wide selection.

Crape Myrtles at Elmgren's Garden Center

Pink Velor Crape Myrtle